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Do things get easier or harder, when you’re working on your mindset?

Writer: Helen ChorleyHelen Chorley

Do things get easier or harder, when you’re working on your mindset?


Those writing the books say it’s like the layers of an onion, you peel one away satisfyingly (through the tears 😅) only to reveal 32,942,000 more layers 😂

I think we spend A LOT of time searching for the things we need and want. We make all these plans and strategies to get it. When it doesn’t produce the results we want we:

💪 Work harder

💪 Try to work faster

In short, we put more effort in. (Well, or cradle our face in our hands and despair #beenthere 🤪)

What if it’s the other way around…something IS trying to reach us (something good)…we just need to THINK differently to receive it? #woo

It’s a hard thing to actually measure 📊 but I would say things have gone a lot better in life NOT when I’ve DONE something different necessarily, but when I changed my thinking about it.

‘When you’re truly focused on an intention for some future outcome, if you can make inner thought more real than the outer environment during the process, the brain won’t know the difference between the two. Then your body, as the unconscious mind, will begin to experience the new future event in the present moment.’ Dr. Joe Dispenza

Does this resonate with you? What is your experience of changing your mindset? Can you share a result?



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