Think for yourself.
While I love the full quote from Ray Dalio, I also think we could just leave it at the first line 😂☝️
It can be such a challenge this time of year to try and funnel (force 😩!) all our past year's experience into this one big goal we've got for this next year. And all that 🤯 PRESSURE. Makes me want to close every device and tell everyone I'm off to the beach⛱ #alreadyhere #hello2022
What if instead of goals we had a MESSAGE?
Well, this has got to be one of mine...
💥 Think for yourself 💥
So much of what I do my talks on, chat about online - so many of the responses to the questions I get from investors and developers is simply about trusting your natural process and internal compass, no matter wh
at NOISE is coming at you.
👉 Be honest about what YOU want
👉 Take what is REAL from around you
👉 💥 Always think for yourself 💥
Well, that's my goals done. Easy. I'll see you next year! 😂😂😂
So, ignoring goals...what would be your MESSAGE?