What is your ‘one big challenge’?
E.g what is the one weakness which tends to stand in the way of getting what you want?
In this month’s Property Investor News I talk about why and how we approach weaknesses. In real estate, the temptation is to:
🙈 Pretend they aren’t there
🏌️♂️ Reframe them (pretend they aren’t there)
💪 Tell everyone on social media we’re going to crush those weaknesses today and be shiny and new tomorrow 😎
Personally I’m with Ray Dalio.
(I’m having a moment with the man atm) #principles
Dalio says success is about writing down your mistakes and starting to ‘connect the dots between them.’
👀 See them, acknowledge them. We all have blind spots. 👓
✍️ Write them down
💡 Explore and understand them.
They hold the answer to your one big challenge. And THAT’S the one that needs work! #ohdamn
What is mine?

If you want to know, you’ll have to catch this month’s PIN mag! #exposed!
Check it out now at Property Investor News!